Lucid Dreaming

A sleep outreach project by the students of UC Berkeley's Psych 133 Class - Fall 2009

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Now comes the exciting part....learning how to lucid dream!! Yes, it is possible to train yourself to lucid dream and we're gonna show you how! But before we get to the nitty gritty of it all, let's spend a few moments to list and explain the different ways someone could lucid dream.

First of all, there is Dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD).
This is when someone is already in a dream state and eventually realizes that he or she is in a dreaming.

Secondly, we have Wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) This happens when a person is able to go straight into a dream state, without losing consciousness or awareness.
Basically, your body goes to sleep, but your mind doesn't!

And finally, there is Mnemonic-initiated lucid dream (MILD). Using this method, someone can induce a lucid dream by intentionally reaffirming/reminding themselves that they will remember that they are dreaming.

Cool, huh?

Our focus is going to be on teaching you how to lucid dream by imploying the Wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) method and the Mnemonic-initiated lucid dream (MILD) method.

....Stay tuned, because the best is yet to come!



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About this blog

We are a group of psychology students from the University of California at Berkeley who are studying the interesting sleeping phenomenon of lucid dreaming.

Our blog is dedicated to compiling information from various sources and spreading the word.

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