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What is lucid dreaming?
Put simply, lucid dreaming is the state of being aware of or conscious that one is dreaming. For example, if for some reason you realize during a dream that you are dreaming, then you have experienced a lucid dream.
How does lucid dreaming occur?
Becoming lucid can happen naturally without any conscious effort on the part of the dreamer, or it can be induced by some kind of in-dream cue that alerts the person to the fact that he or she is in a dream and not awake. We'll go into more detail later on just what techniques and cues have been found to be effective in inducing lucidity.
Do you have to be in control of your dream for it to be lucid?
NO! It is a common misconception that one has to be able to manipulate his or her dream in order for it to be considered a lucid dream, but that isn't necessarily the case. Simply being aware of being in a dream state is enough to be lucid. As we'll discuss in future posts, there are different levels of dream awareness, and being conscious of one's dreams is just one of them.
Alright, well that's all for now... stay tuned! :]
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